About Coach Christini

Connect to your Core-Self

Vivere Consulting is a safe place where you can connect with your most resourceful Core-SELF as you understand it, allowing you to discover your life purpose, create goals, and plan for action.

I’m your Coach, Christini!

Before becoming a Professional Life Coach, I spent 30 years giving advice and solving problems. What I love most is helping my clients discover their own Life Purpose, Natural Gifts and Talents, and determine ONE area of focus that can help support their life goals.

My personal experience has led me to facilitate workshops focused on customer service and leadership development for Senior Care Facilities. I truly believe the client is the heart of the relationship when it comes to senior living. With compassionate coaching, small shifts can make a lasting impact.

I am also proudly serving as a mentor for the 30% Club, a global campaign led by Chairs and CEOs taking action to increase gender diversity at board and senior management levels. The campaign continues to expand its international footprint and now has a presence in seventeen countries/regions around the world, each aiming to reach at least 30% representation of all women on boards and c-suites.

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